
Cream cake filling 

 Originally Written: March 5, 2009

By  Hanna Trafford

Cream cake filling - make your own flavours!
Cream cake filling - make your own flavours!

I have always found it somewhat difficult to fill cakes I made with suitable  fillings. This recipe lends itself to variations – I have noted few of them at the bottom of the directions. But don’t let my variations limit you – use your imagination, add fruits, flavours or colourings – you will find that this one recipe will go on and on and everyone will believe that it is a different type each time!

2 tablespoons of cornstarch

dash of salt

8 tablespoons of sugar

1 cup of milk

1 egg

1 tablespoon of butter

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla

Mix cornstarch, salt and sugar and add gradually to cold milk in a saucepan. Stir constantly over medium heat until mixture is thickened and bubbles for one minute. Beat eggs lightly and add part of hot mixture. Blend and return to saucepan. Cook, stirrfing constantly for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and blend in butter. Add vanilla and cool filling before using it to fill a cake.

Variations of cream filling:

Pineapple cream filling – make cream filling, increasing sugar to 1/2 cup and startch to 1/4 cup. Substitute 1/2 cup of juice form canned pineapple for 1/2 cup of milk specified in the basic recipe. When filling is removed from the heat, fold in 1 cup of crushed pineapple and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Coffee cream filling- make cream filling, substitute 1/2 cup of prepared coffee and 1/2 cup of light cream in place of milk. Add 1/2 square of unsweetened chocolate in the saucepan with the light cream and omit vanilla.

Hanna Trafford

Hanna is the mother of two grown sons Dan and Dusan Nedelko, and is also the Grandmother to Jax, Cohen and Mila. She is the lead editor of Mama Knows and is hoping to create an exchange of communications with other grandmothers, mothers and daughters - giving everyone the opportunity to learn and share about everything that is "Mama"

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