Why Advertise on Mama Knows?
- Over
35,00045,000 Monthly Unique Visitors. - Average visitors visit 2.5 pages per session.
- 65% of Visitors are female between the ages of 35-50 – the largest growing online purchasing demographic.
- Monthly growth rate of Mama Knows: 75% increase in unique visits per month.
- Consistent cross-over to social media websites increasing available impressions and high quality traffic.
- Our visitors are loyal online purchasers.
- 57.25% of all site visitors are based in Canada.
- 84% of all Canadian visitors to Mama Knows are located in Ontario.
- You’re interested in reaching a highly engaged and loyal readership.

All images need to be non-animated and of reasonable size. Check us out on Google’s Doubleclick Ad Planner or our site profile on Compete.com

Zone A – 5 rotating 468×60px banners.
Zone B – Exclusive Featured Sponsor static 250×250px (featured sponsor)
Zone C – Sidebar special – Rotating placement but always visible on page size – 125×125px.
Zone D – The Launcher spot – Ideal for people looking to launch new products/services/announcements. 3 in rotation.
Custom packages and discounts are available for quantity/commitment purchases:
Space is sold out fast, use our contact form and make sure you select advertising for more information.