
About Mom’s Honeypot 

 Originally Written: March 6, 2009

By  Hanna Trafford

ebaymoms-logo-110609Most people who know me are well aware of the fact, that I love to create things.  When I was just a little girl, my grandma thought me how to knit and crotchet,  and over the years, I have made more sweaters, jackets, hats, blankets and all kinds of other creations than anyone could imagine. My sons have collection of sweaters that could be the envy of many – but – really – you can only wear so many of them! And then I started giving stuff away – birthdays, anniversaries, Christmases – or just because someone admired something I made.

My younger son Dan made a point to me one time – why am I giving it all away, when I could sell it? His suggestion was to explore eBay and learn how to sell there. I thought that was a great idea – so that’s what I did. I continue to design (explanation of that is: pick up some materials, look at the colours and start working on it ,creating it as I make it – that’s why I say “One of a kind” i would have a hard time making identical items!) mostly baby and little kid’s clothing – and my customers love them! I am going to include few samples of feedback comments I have received – personally I love reading them!

Little by little I learned how to use eBay and the rest is pretty much history! Oh – and the name?

We own a very successful internet marketing company – Dan is the brain behind it – the company name is Honeypot Marketing – hence my version of something just a little but connected to the name we all love – and Mom’s Honeypot happened! If you are interested, check out our company website:


To visit my eBay store, just use this link:


I list as many items as I find time to – this has become my hobby and I totally enjoy the activity and the communication with all my customers. And I have probably over 100 items in inventory so it is a good idea to keep visiting the store regularly. Of course – the easiest way to make sure you get all the latest updates and information from me is to make sure you sign up on this website – then you will receive stores updates and more for sure!

And here are a few samples of my work for you to look at:

Pink poncho and bonnet set
Pink poncho and bonnet set
Little kittens baby blanket
Little kittens baby blanket
Jacket and skirt set
Jacket and skirt set
Teddy bear sweater
Teddy bear sweater
Little sailor sweater
Little sailor sweater
Red and yellow jacket with flower appliques
Red and yellow jacket with flower appliques
Pink beaded poncho with bunny ears
Pink beaded poncho with bunny ears
Jacket and matching booties
Jacket and matching booties
Ladybug sweater and matching bonnet
Ladybug sweater and matching bonnet
Jacket with matching totebag
Jacket with matching totebag
Forget-me-not poncho and matching bonnet
Forget-me-not poncho and matching bonnet
Blue and yellow sweater with bunny hat
Blue and yellow sweater with bunny hat
Bunny baby blanket
Bunny baby blanket
Rocking horse baby blanket
Rocking horse baby blanket
Hooded yellow and white jacket
Hooded yellow and white jacket
Crotchet baby blanket
Crotchet baby blanket
Blue poncho and bonnet
Blue poncho and bonnet

Hanna Trafford

Hanna is the mother of two grown sons Dan and Dusan Nedelko, and is also the Grandmother to Jax, Cohen and Mila. She is the lead editor of Mama Knows and is hoping to create an exchange of communications with other grandmothers, mothers and daughters - giving everyone the opportunity to learn and share about everything that is "Mama"

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