
My cat 

 Originally Written: March 14, 2009

By  Hanna Trafford

My cat with his unique personality
My cat with his unique personality

Biscuit is a cat with a real cool personality. Literally. He does what he wants, when he wants and how he wants it. My son Dan brought Biscuit home 16 years ago from New Brunswick. He had a summer job there and just before he was to return home, he met this tiny little kitten, only 3 weeks old at the time. The poor little thing was the only boy in a large litter of girl kittens – and because he was not likely to survive, the owner was going to dispose of him in a way that I do not want to mention here. Of course Dan – who always saved any animal he encountered- took the kitten and drove home with him. During the long drive from New Brunswick to Ontario, he really thought the poor little kitten wasn’t going to make it. But each time he thought it was over, it turned out that the little guy was just sleeping. When they got home, we fed Biscuit with an eye dropped and within literally days he was running around, eating everything he could get his paws on. That included a pork chop taken directly off Dan’s plate in a flash – all we saw was a streak of grey and white fur flying over the table and the pork chop was gone!

Biscuit is a beautiful cat and speaking of personalities, he definitely has a unique one! Doesn’t particularly like to be cuddled all that much – but when he does, he lets you know! Everything has to be done on his terms- his food dish needs to have food in it at all times, when it gets empty, he will follow me around, getting under my feet repeatedly, charging from all directions unexpectedly being quite vocal about his needs. And if i still ignore him – just to see what he will do next, he starts pushing his dish into middle of the kitchen as if saying :”Do you not get it? My dish needs refill!”

Here are some pictures of my little furry buddy – and I would love to hear your cat or kitten stories!

What does Mickey think about that?
What does Mickey think about that
Biscuit working his food dish
Biscuit working his food dish
Just checking things out
Just checking things out
Where did that dog go?
Where did that dog go

Hanna Trafford

Hanna is the mother of two grown sons Dan and Dusan Nedelko, and is also the Grandmother to Jax, Cohen and Mila. She is the lead editor of Mama Knows and is hoping to create an exchange of communications with other grandmothers, mothers and daughters - giving everyone the opportunity to learn and share about everything that is "Mama"

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