
Parimenopause, it’s real and you’re not alone 

 Originally Written: December 22, 2022

By  Nicole Nedelko

What is Perimenopause? Parimeniopause Defined

If you’re a woman in your late 30s or early 40s, you may have heard the term ‘perimenopause’ and wondered what it means. Perimenopause is the natural transition period leading up to menopause when your body begins to make fewer estrogen and progesterone hormones. It can last for months—or even years—before regular menstrual cycles stop completely.

Perimenopause can start anytime from your late 30s to mid-50s, but typically starts around age 45.

It’s a gradual process which means its onset can be hard to notice at first, but eventually become more obvious as time goes on. Typical symptoms of perimenopause include: irregular periods, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, difficulty sleeping, decreased energy levels and more. It’s important to note that many women experience perimenopause differently—some women may not have any symptoms at all!

Though it can be a difficult journey for some women, it’s important to remember that you are not alone during this time. You may find comfort in knowing that many other women have gone through the same experience and emerged successfully on the other side. Plus there is plenty of support available from family members and medical professionals who specialize in helping manage symptoms of perimenopause during this natural transition period.

So if you think you might be entering into this stage of life, don’t be scared! Take the opportunity to understand more about how perimenopause affects your body—knowing what to expect can help you navigate this change with greater confidence and peace of mind.

8 Common Symptoms of Perimenopause

If you’re a woman in your late 30s or 40s, you may be aware of the term ‘perimenopause’ and its potential implications for your health. This natural transition period leading up to menopause is marked by declining hormonal levels, which can bring about some uncomfortable and inconvenient changes.

Symptoms of Parimenopause

Here is a look at 8 common symptoms of perimenopause:

  1. Irregular Periods – During this stage, menstrual cycles typically become irregular, with periods coming every 2 to 8 weeks instead of once a month.
  2. Hot Flashes and Night Sweats – Hot flashes and night sweats are common during perimenopause due to fluctuating hormone levels.
  3. Mood Swings – Hormonal fluctuations may cause sudden shifts in mood or emotional states that can seem out of character.
  4. Difficulty Sleeping – Sleep disturbances such as insomnia and difficulty falling asleep are also common during this time due to hot flashes and night sweats as well as increased stress levels.
  5. Decreased Energy Levels – Many women report feeling more tired than usual during perimenopause, leading to low energy levels overall.
  6. Weight Gain – Lower metabolic rates may lead to mild weight gain around the middle as body shape changes slightly over time throughout this transition period as well as after menopause itself has been reached.
  7. Dry Skin and Hair Loss– Declining estrogen can lead to dry skin and thinning hair, both of which may require extra care in order to maintain healthy skin and hair during this period of life change.
  8. Changes in Libido– Perimenopausal women often experience a decrease in libido due to lower production of sex hormones like testosterone, leading to less interest in sex overall for some individuals during this stage of life change

The Health Risks Associated With Perimenopause

As a woman in her late 30s or 40s, you may be starting to feel the effects of perimenopause. This natural transition period leading up to menopause can bring about numerous physical and emotional changes that may sometimes be difficult to cope with. It’s also important to recognize that while all women experience perimenopause, it comes with certain health risks that should be taken into consideration when managing this stage of life change.

One of the most common health issues associated with perimenopause is an increased risk for certain types of cancer. As estrogen levels decline during this time, the ovaries are less able to protect against certain types of cancer including ovarian, endometrial and breast cancer. Additionally, levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) also tend to rise due to hormonal changes which can lead to increased risk for heart disease over time.

Other common health risks associated with perimenopause include: osteoporosis; bladder infections; vaginal dryness and discomfort; irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); joint pain; sleep problems due to hot flashes and night sweats; memory loss; vision changes; urinary incontinence; depression and anxiety; and headaches.

It’s important for women going through perimenopause to talk to their doctors if they have any concerns or experience any new symptoms that could indicate a more serious health issue. Regular check-ups, screenings and lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise or dietary changes can help reduce your risks during this period of life change. Taking care of yourself mentally and physically will help ensure your transition through perimenopause is healthy and stress-free!

Risk Factors for Heart Disease and Osteoporosis with Perimenopause

As a woman in her late 30s or 40s, you may be entering the natural transition period leading up to menopause known as perimenopause. During this time, fluctuating hormone levels can cause a variety of symptoms and changes to your body. It’s important to recognize that these changes can also bring about an increased risk for certain diseases such as heart disease and osteoporosis. Here are some of the potential risk factors you should be aware of:

Heart Disease and Parimenopause

• Declining estrogen levels during perimenopause lead to an increase in “bad” cholesterol (LDL) levels which can create a higher risk for heart disease over time.
• Lifestyle habits such as smoking and obesity can also contribute to an increased likelihood of developing heart disease during this transitional stage.
• Stress is another factor that can contribute to heart problems due to the mental strain it puts on the body.

Osteoporosis and Parimenopause

• Lower production of estrogen during perimenopause can lead to thinning bones and make women more susceptible to fractures if they don’t take steps to build bone density early on.
• Low-impact physical activities like walking or swimming are important for maintaining strong bones during this stage in life but getting enough calcium is essential too! Women need at least 1,000 mg/day of calcium while they’re going through perimenopause in order to keep their bones healthy.
• Cigarette smoking has been shown to have a direct impact on bone density so it’s important for women who smoke cigarettes regularly to quit if possible before adding any other medications or treatments specifically geared towards osteoporosis prevention.

While these risks may seem overwhelming, there are steps you can take now to reduce them. Eating healthily, avoiding cigarettes and alcohol, exercising regularly and talking openly with your doctor about any concerns you may have will all help ensure your transition through perimenopause is healthy and safe!

What Menopausal Hormone Therapy Can Do for You

Menopause is a natural transition period that all women experience at some point in their lives. While it can bring about numerous physical and emotional changes, many of these symptoms can be relieved with the help of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). MHT has proven to be an effective treatment for many common menopausal issues such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and discomfort, as well as insomnia and memory problems.

MHT works by replacing the hormones (especially estrogen) that your body produces less of during menopause. This helps to maintain the balance that is needed to reduce the intensity of the common symptoms associated with the decline of these hormones. However, while MHT can provide relief from many of these unpleasant symptoms, there are certain risks associated with its use which should be considered before starting any hormonal therapy regimen.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when considering MHT is its potential short-term risks such as acne, bloating or breast tenderness. Additionally, MHT may also increase your risk for stroke or blood clots so it’s important for any woman considering this type of treatment to talk openly and honestly with her doctor about her personal medical history and health concerns.

Ultimately, menopausal hormone therapy can provide relief from many common symptoms experienced during this transitional period but it’s important to stay informed and knowledgeable about any possible risks involved in its use. Working closely with your doctor will allow you to make an informed decision about whether MHT is right for you!

The Impact of Hormonal Fluctuations on Mood and Mental Health during Perimenopause

Perimenopause is a natural process experienced by women in their late 30s or 40s as they transition into menopause. During this time, hormones like estrogen and progesterone can fluctuate dramatically which can have an effect not just on physical health but also on mental health and mood. Here’s what you need to know about the impact of hormonal fluctuations on mental health during perimenopause.

Low Estrogen Levels

Declining estrogen levels during perimenopause can cause a variety of symptoms including hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, insomnia and fatigue. These physical difficulties can lead to emotional distress as well. Lowered estrogen levels can also trigger depression in some women due to its effects on brain chemistry so it’s important to be aware of changes in mood and take steps to address them if necessary.

Hormone Imbalances

Hormonal imbalances such as those caused by low progesterone or overactive thyroid hormones are common during this transitional stage and can further contribute to feelings of depression or anxiety. If you’re feeling unusually emotional or irritable for more than a few days at a time, it’s important to bring these symptoms up with your doctor who may be able to make adjustments in your treatment plan that can help reduce these feelings in the future.

Cognitive Difficulties

Another challenge that often accompanies hormonal imbalances is cognitive issues such as inability to concentrate, forgetfulness or trouble focusing. It’s important for women going through perimenopause to recognize that these difficulties are normal during this time period and not let them affect their overall self-esteem. Making lifestyle changes such as getting enough sleep, sticking with a healthy diet plan and engaging in regular exercise will help ensure that your mind stays sharp throughout this period!

Mood Swings

Mood swings are one of the most common complaints among women going through perimenopause but they don’t have to be overwhelming or unmanageable if you understand what might be causing them. By recognizing the potential risks associated with hormone fluctuations during this time period and taking steps to address any issues that come up, you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever comes your way!

How to Stay Healthy During Perimenopause

While parimenopause can bring about numerous physical and emotional changes, there are many things that women can do to stay healthy during this time. Here are some tips for staying healthy during perimenopause.

Eat Healthily

Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains is key for keeping your body fueled and energized during this time of change. Additionally, cutting back on processed foods, sugar and caffeine will help reduce inflammation throughout your body which in turn can lessen unpleasant symptoms associated with the hormonal fluctuations of perimenopause.

Stay Active

Exercise is an important part of staying fit but it’s also beneficial for maintaining overall health during perimenopause. Regular activity will keep your energy levels up while helping to regulate hormones, reduce stress and ward off weight gain that often accompanies this stage of life. Try to find something you enjoy doing – whether it’s walking or yoga – and make it part of your regular routine!

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

In addition to eating well and exercising regularly, other lifestyle habits such as getting enough sleep (at least seven hours each night) and reducing stress should also be incorporated into your daily routine. It’s also important not to overindulge in alcohol as it can interfere with hormone balance and affect overall health. Additionally, if you are experiencing hot flashes or night sweats try taking cool showers or dressing in layers for extra comfort!

Perimenopause doesn’t have to be difficult; instead by making a few mindful changes you can create the foundation for good health now and into your later years!

Lifestyle Changes to Combat Cardiovascular Risk Factors During Perimenopause

As women enter perimenopause, their bodies begin to undergo natural changes that can increase their risk of developing heart disease. Though these risks are unavoidable, there are several steps that women can take to reduce the impact. Here are some lifestyle changes that can help combat cardiovascular risk factors during perimenopause.

Get Active

Exercise is one of the most important lifestyle habits for reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke. During this time, it’s important to keep up a regular exercise routine as well as make sure you get enough rest and relaxation. Not only does exercise help with weight control, it also increases blood flow, lowers blood pressure and reduces stress – all of which play an important role in maintaining cardiovascular health!

Eating Right

Eating a healthy diet is another key factor in improving heart health during perimenopause. To protect against diseases like diabetes and high cholesterol, it’s important to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your daily meals. Additionally, try to limit sodium intake as well as saturated fats (found in processed foods) which can increase your risk for heart-related issues.

Manage Stress

Stress is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular problems so it’s essential to find ways to manage it during this transitional period. Deep breathing exercises or meditation are great techniques for calming the mind while physical activities such as yoga or tai chi can help relieve tension in both body and mind. Be sure to also schedule regular downtime where you can relax and unwind away from any stressful situations.

Perimenopause is a natural process but understanding your cardiovascular risks will help you make healthier choices for yourself now and into the future! By making small changes such as those mentioned above – along with following all doctor recommendations – you’ll be better prepared for tackling perimenopausal challenges head on!

Nicole Nedelko

Nicole Nedelko is a happy if not frazzled mother. She spends her days raising her 4 children, writing about her experiences as a first time mother and raising her other "child" Dan. She lives in beautiful Cambridge, Ontario and writes about being a woman, mom, and wife.

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